You probably have heard this phrase before (perhaps many times) – “Get out of your comfort zone”. What does this phrase mean?
The idea behind it is to encourage a person (or our selves) to learn something new, which is often feels scary and does not feel comfortable. Who would want to be “out” of something that they are comfortable and familiar with?
Imagine yourself in a circle of an environment that are easy, safe, warm, and loving. You have everything you need and everything you do in there you do it so well, its just great! We are going to call this circle “The Comfort Zone”.
Now, imagine someone say to you “hey, in order to be this or that, you need to get out of your comfort zone!”.
What is the first thing you think when you hear someone says that? Probably something like: “I don’t want to”, “why?”, “No way!”
What is the first feeling that comes up when you hear that? Probably scared, anxious, nervous, and all kind of resistance.
I remember one of the things I said the first time I heard someone says that was “Why should I? Its unnecessary, doesn’t make sense.” I was a little bit defensive to be honest.
Then I am thinking, what if, instead of “getting out of” why can’t I “expand” my comfort zone? I don’t want to step out of my comfort zone, I don’t want to lose my zone; but I wouldn’t mind making my comfort zone bigger. In fact, I probably wouldn’t mind doing the work necessary to make my zone bigger so I can have more.
I believe that growth and change are necessary and inevitable. We must be able to adapt to the changes or else we will be left behind. When we stop learning and being content in the same zone for a long period of time, we then stop growing. Growth takes place out of your comfort zone.
There is energy in words we say. Test it yourself, say “Get out of your comfort zone!” and imagine you hearing it, how does it feel? Then, try saying “Expand your comfort zone!”, how does it feel? How does your body react? Do you feel any different?
Remember, words are powerful. It can build someone, or it can break someone. Choose the words you use wisely, both to yourself and to others.
Check out my short video I posted on my Facebook page, here is the link:
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