“If someone else can do it, so can you!”
This is a brief story of an ordinary man who never give up, who didn’t really have much for himself, but he gave everything that he has for his family so they can become who they are right now, the best version of themselves.
He was the 3rd child of 12 siblings. He got married when he was 19 years old, he never went to college or university, he was just a high school graduate. His siblings were scattered around different cities (and countries), he didn’t really have much support system. By the time he was 35 years old, he already has 7 kids (i.e, 8 kids technically, 1 of them died just after he was born).
Not having high level of education, it was hard for him to find decent job. So, he taught himself to be a mechanic. He followed people and learn from them on how to fix car and motorbike. Then he bought his first “tuk tuk taxi” (they call it “Bajaj” there in Indonesia). From being the driver himself, he then grew his tuk tuk taxi business and had almost 30 of them.
He was very tough on his kids, doesn’t matter if they are girl or boy, he only has 1 son by the way. He didn’t say much about many things to his kids, but couple things that he was firm about and always told them was 1) “You have to finish your education. Whatever you need that is related with education, I will provide and make it happen”; 2) “If anyone can do it, so can you!”.
All his kids are well educated (an architect, a travel consultant, a law graduate, a dentist, a leader, a multiple business owner, and a coach), all his grandkids are also well educated. They all have great manner, love and prioritize their families. It is a remarkably close and tight family relationship, which is something that is not common nowadays, yet he has quite a big number of people in his family to be managed wisely wouldn’t you think?
On his funeral day, some of his kids and grandkids were interviewed and asked, “What is the most memorable thing that he said to you that you still remember?”. And all of them said the same thing – that if he/she can do it, so can I.
One simple belief a man once had that had helped him building his own empire (business and family), that he passed on to his next generations which has become one of their foundations in life. What a legacy.
You are the co-creator of your life. The future is yours to create and shape.
Today, I want you to ask yourself, what negative self talk and limiting beliefs you currently have? Can you imagine what you can achieve if you no longer have that?
If you need help in either your professional or personal area of life, let’s chat!
I can help you get to the root cause of that repeating negative pattern and remove that for good so you can be the best version of yourself and inspire others.
Go to my Contact Me page and book my Free 30-minute Breakthrough Strategy Session